Switch Language Fils tenseurs | Docteur Laurence Walon
Resorbable threads

Skin laxity is one of the main causes of aging in the face and body.
Different surgical facelifts can remedy this problem, but with the drawbacks of a “surgical” procedure.
Aesthetic medicine, on the other hand, offers a new, lighter technique that involves introducing special structural threads under local anesthesia to lift the tissues.
The lifting with tension threads (PDO threads) is a safe rejuvenation technique, without scars, with immediate visible results, and no social downtime..
Frequently asked questions
Nature of the procedure

The treatment with tension threads consists of placing crimped PDO (Polydioxanone) threads in a sub-dermal plane to tension the sagging skin.
The tissues thus hooked and put under tension allow restoring the oval of the face and reducing tissue ptosis.
Tension threads have a double effect on the skin:

- A tightening effect thanks to the crimped threads for an immediate result.
- A regenerating effect for a gradual result thanks to the bio-stimulation reaction of elastin and collagen.

The treatment process

The treatment with tension threads is practically painless. A light local anesthesia of the treated areas ensures comfortable treatment.

Each thread is introduced using a cannula into a subcutaneous plane. The crimped thread hooks under the skin.

The cannula leaves no scar.
The treatment takes between 30 and 60 minutes, depending on the number of threads to be placed.


- Reduce nasolabial folds, marionette lines
- Reposition the cheekbones
- Redefine the oval of the face
- Eyebrow lift
- Smooth the skin of the neck

Duration of Results through tension threads

Tension threads are completely absorbable PDO threads. The absorption of tension threads takes between 6 and 9 months.
The effect of treatment with tension threads generally lasts between 12 and 18 months.

Possible Side Effects

- Hematoma at the anesthesia sites
- Localized oedema. This is a small deep hematoma (non-coloured) due to the passage of the thread that disappears in 2 to 3 weeks
- Skin irregularities either due to a small oedema (lasting 3 to 4 days) or due to unequal traction on a thread and easily resolved by a small skin detachment.
- Sensations of tension, pain, and/or tingling (small discharges) for 2 weeks.
- Very rarely, infection of a thread (redness, pain, heat).

After the treatment

- No sports for 2 weeks ;
- No makeup for 3 days on the entry points of the threads ;
- No sauna or hammam for 2 weeks ;
- No facial massage for 2 weeks ;
- Sun exposure is allowed.